Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bits and bobs ...

by Gazinskaya new RTW collection

suger kei...

by Luly yang , monarch butterfly dress

newspaper dress

Recently the Flower Council of Holland and Holex Flower designed two gowns made completely of Dutch blossoms that debuted at the opening of the New Amsterdam Pavilion in New York. Designed by Niels van Eljk and Miriam van der Lubbe, the two dresses -- named Miss Blue and Miss Sensuous -- used everything from orchids and roses to dyed asparagus.

Miss Blue weighs 220.5 pounds (or about twice the weight of the average catwalker) while Sensuous is a whopping 385 pounds. We've seen some dresses made of strange things, but these put the "Project Runway" flower challengers to shame.

christian siriano designs

love the colour..

i feel the ruffles are a lovely way to give shape and volume .. i really like these three pieces

i fell in love with this, so elegant and pretty, it reminded me of butterflys

Alexander Mcqueens designs which i felt related to my project....

i love how he used the flowers to create shape in this dress

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Designs i made by using the two shapes i used.

I used various sizes of the shapes  and different amounts to achieve these designs. Also i sometimes used different colours of paper to show the diffferent folds and layers